►mind is the scene of the crime + Made by effin' amazing artist, Bluelipstickk! O_O
It's totally mind-blowing, I loved it! The song is the same one used in another epic Harry Potter fanvid by SmokeyFiizz, called "The Prophecy | Harry Potter"! That is just as breathtaking as well! <3 O_O
Okay here's a recommended list of youtube videos by AMAZINGLY talented vidders who made the most EPIC Dean/Castiel centric videos in the history of youtube-ism! xD
EDIT: LJ cutted the post just in case cause this post's a little youtube heavy! lol!
This gorgeous new A&E video pulls at my heartstrings! TwT The artist, ReeseThePBCup , has also made a alternate ending to the original video they made, you can watch it here if you'd like! (This one has a happy ending! xP)
This is a late post but I wanted to put up this beautiful E & A video that a friend of mine remkaz2y5, the Eames to my Arthur had made! x) (*blushes* For me! o.O)